Wednesday 23 September 2015

FIFA Corruption Crisis 2015 

Could you believe that greed has tarnished such a simple and beautiful sport as soccer? Could you believe that greed is capable of making the game of soccer unfair and unjust? Greed has infested soccer's executive organizers and they have managed to destroy the essence of what soccer represents, fair play and hard work. Yes, the greed for money does have the capability and the power of changing the game of soccer. In today’s society “money is power”. From the actions of some in the FIFA Corruption Crisis of 2015, this strongly supports and reinforces this quote. 
This picture displays all the money that FIFA executives are making off of bribes. Soccer is irrelevant in this case, making money and becoming a bourgeoisie is what is important in this picture. 

(Cartoon FIFA Crisis 2015)

What is FIFA? 

The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the international organization that creates the rules and regulations of the game of soccer.(FIFA Description) FIFA was created on May 21, 1904 and one would think that they've been established and powerful for so long that the organization is flawless. Think again! The notorious organization of FIFA is responsible for the creation of the worlds most watched sporting event, the FIFA World Cup. With great power comes great responsibilities and with the power and influence that FIFA and soccer has on the world is inspirational. But the power of money can easily dominate the power of inspiration. And this is where FIFA's head executives support this statement. 

The message that FIFA portrays is "For the Game. For the World." What exactly are they talking about? Are the millions upon millions of dollar of bribes being given to charities? I think not. 

The Corruption Case- Advertisement

In early May 2015, it was publicized that 14 of FIFA's head executives were placed under arrest for money laundering, wire fraud, and racketeering. A man that played a key role in sharing of the information to authorities was former executive Charles Blazer. He allegedly admitted that himself and others of the FIFA committee agreed to accept bids and bribes to select South Africa in being the host country in the World Cup 2010. He also admitted that there has been deals and bribes taken place between FIFA, sports marketing groups, and broadcast corporations for the television rights on airing the honourable World Cup soccer tournament. Attorney Loretta Lynch states "It spans at least two generations of soccer officials who, as alleged, have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks." (Executives of FIFA Accepting Bribes) It's unbelievable how amounts of money and achieving the class of bourgeoisie has the potential to shape and change soccer into their own desirable ideology. FIFA always had the message and they advertised that the beautiful game of soccer could unite and empower individuals with the love and passion it takes to play the game. And that nothing is more powerful and stronger than the love of the game. It is evident that now, FIFA was blinding us with their desirable ideology of making the public believe a certain idea and aiming to promote love, equality and fairness for those around the world. They used the emotions that soccer compels on individuals to make society believe that there is fairness by promoting that nothing is more rewarding than achieving passion from what you love. This hid the fact that FIFA is based off of classism, the upper class, and money. It is almost as if FIFA is based off of capitalism. Those select few with money has the dominance to make decisions through bribes of money.  

The Corruption Case- South African Officials

Along with the bribes taken place for advertisement publicity, there is conspiracy and the case is still on trial that the 2010 South African officials were payed $10 million dollar bribes to make certain teams win the prestigious tournament. (FIFA Refs Accepting Bribes) This is a prime example of the statement "money is power", those who have money have the power to change the marvellous game of soccer into a game of who has the most money to win the bribes and rig the games. It's disgusting how players and team supporters are so passionate for the game and the ones that dictate the games outcome have a sense of alienated labour by allegedly accepting money bribes. The referee officials of the tournament lost their emotional connection and are no longer concerned with how they can improve but rather the officials are more concerned about making extra money through bribes. To accept a money bribe, one must be viewing society as an undesirable ideology. Knowing the power you have to dictate the worlds most popular sporting event in the world and still accept a bribe to make a certain team win, they must be trying to hide the fact that some may be more privileged than others. The referee officials want to achieve economic success and get the easy way out by someone giving them money and not earning it through hard work. One's personal goal to achieve self success should be "Earned, never given." 


To conclude, in todays society those select few that have money have power; the bourgeoisie. Money is power. The FIFA Corruption Crisis is a prime example and reinforces how money can change a part of the world that has nothing in relation with money. Soccer should be about love and passion for the game. Instead the upper class is creating it into a game of money. Whoever has the most money could bribe others that have influence on the game to see an outcome they want to see. A small piece of paper should not dictate the magnificent game. Soccer is a sport that should be enjoyed, but it has turned into an industry, creating vast profits for those bourgeoisie who leech off the system. This is our time to proclaim the beautiful game. (Proclaiming the Game)

This picture displays that whoever wins the World Cup, it does not matter. All that matters is the money that is given to the dictators of FIFA that have all the say in the rules and regulations. The message in this picture is that the hard work and passion that goes into winning a world cup is nothing compared to the money that is given in the form of bribes to the FIFA executives. "Money is more powerful and will keep you happier than a prestigious trophy."